Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Weekly Blog #1

With all the popularity and hype associated with the Super bowl, it’s no wonder companies pay millions of dollars just to show a 30 second advertisement for their products. This is well worth it however because of the enormous exposure they will get and the fact that the commercials, for some, are more memorable than the game itself. Two big names which had entertaining commercials relating to the food industry were Doritos and M&M’s. In one of the Doritos commercials, it shows a baby and a grandmother sitting down while being taunted by a small boy who makes no effort to hide how much he is enjoying his Doritos and how it is a pleasure that he gets to experience while others don’t. The grandmother and baby show that they will do what is necessary to obtain this pleasure and they steal the Doritos via baby slingshot.  The other Doritos commercial shows a man who witnessed a dog “take care of” his missing cat. Doritos, proving to be a strong point of persuasion here, are used in exchange for the man keeping quiet to what he has witnessed, showing that Doritos are so good that even a sacrifice is worthwhile to obtain them. Now of course the advertisers don’t actually mean you should commit these acts, but play on the humor of how improbably it is, making the commercial memorable and therefore keeping their product in the minds of their audience. Another commercial I found to be pretty funny was the M&M’s commercial. This commercial shows a women M&M with a brown shell or basically a color that matches her “skin” or inner chocolate. The red male M&M’s mistakes this brown shell as no shell, and proceeds to take his own shell off (a.k.a. taking off his clothes) and yelling “Oh, it’s THAT kind of party!” This sexual innuendo along with the associated party scene of attractive males and females as well as a currently hot pop song playing in the background all lead viewers to make the correlation, perhaps subconsciously, that buying M&M’s will allow you to have an experience like you’re at that party. Or at the very least remind you of how entertaining that M&M’s commercial was during the Super bowl.

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